Celebrity plastic surgery Celebrity plastic surgery Celebrity plastic surgery. Secrecy and subtlety are no longer hallmarks of plastic surgery, especially for some au... Oddepia - 14:54
Dumb criminal moves Dumb criminal moves The latest roundup of criminally inane outlaws will leave you shaking your head and breathing a deep sigh Take a look at... Oddepia - 14:37
Alleged celebrity murder plots Alleged celebrity murder plots Alleged celebrity murder plots. Celebrity status may have its perks, but dealing with attempted murder is not... Oddepia - 13:54
Cult classic movies Cult classic movies Cult classic movies. Despite never gaining mainstream fame, some films have achieved cult status and enduring loyalty – ... Oddepia - 13:51
Celebrity Recipes Celebrity Recipes Celebrity recipes.Celebrities are cooking these days, or at least promoting the unseen image of themselves in an apron. Ac... Oddepia - 01:01