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April quotables

April quotables

April quotables
From birth certificates, to soap operas, to natural disasters — see which sound bites and snippets made big headlines this month.
Barack Obama
The president signaled his intent to run for re-election in 2012, explaining to supporters:

"We've always known that lasting change wouldn't come quickly or easily."
Gwyneth Paltrow
Paltrow has exposed herself as quite the music lover lately (watch her channel her inner pop star). In an interview on Jay-Z’s blog, she explained that she even has a penchant for gangsta rap:

"It was an accident that I learned every word of 'Straight Outta Compton.' "
Raul Castro
Cuba’s 79-year-old president — now replacing his older brother — addressed the country’s past woes and spoke of the need for future reforms:

"Two plus two is four. Never five, much less six or seven – as we have sometimes pretended."
Hillary Clinton
Secretary of State Clinton was in Seoul speaking with South Korea’s foreign minister about future trade opportunities:

"…The truth is: We know we can do more if we can lower the barriers to trade between our countries."
Susan Lucci
When news broke that her long-running soap opera was being canceled, Lucci handled press inquiries with aplomb:

"I'm looking forward to all kinds of new and exciting opportunities."
Sarah Palin
Former Alaska Gov. Palin defended Wisconsin’s governor and his controversial new bill at a rally riddled with hecklers:

"Hey, folks! He's trying to save your jobs and your pensions!"
Jan Brewer
The governor of Arizona vetoed the so-called ‘birther’ bill:

"This is a bridge too far."
Kobe Bryant
Angry with a referee during a game the Lakers guard spat out a gay slur in his direction. He later said:

"What I said last night should not be taken literally."
Mayor Nicholas Valentine
Valentine’s city was the site of a grizzly scene, wherein a 25-year-old mother intentionally drove herself and her four children into the Hudson River.

"We are talking about a tragedy in this city that is probably second to none."
Recent rumors emerged that the FBI was investigating the singer’s African children’s charity. She had her agent quickly refute the budding scandal:

"As we have said previously, Raising Malawi is currently undergoing a series of positive changes in an effort to serve more children."

John Boehner
The Republican House speaker helped come up with a last-minute spending bill that would avert a governmental crisis.

"This bill is not perfect. It is no cause for celebration. It is just one step."
Glenn Beck
FOX News Channel announced that Beck’s talk show  would come to an end this year.

"I will continue to tell the story and I will be showing other ways for us to connect."
Jamie Foxx
During a late-night appearance  the comedian joked that President Obama needs to work on his dancing skills:

"He's got to be able to represent America in any dance-related diplomatic situations that may arise."
Tina Fey
Fey announced that she and her husband are expecting their second child, but they’re in no rush to find out the child’s gender:

"We're going to find out ... never. Not even after it's born. I'm just going to see what it chooses to wear to prom."
Donald Trump
During a morning-show interview Trump brought up the question of the president’s citizenship.

"Maybe I'm going to do the tax returns when Obama does his birth certificate."
Bev Perdue
The governor of North Carolina was shocked when she surveyed the damage left by the storm system that recently blew through the state:

"I’ve never seen anything like it. It was like paper doll houses that were collapsed."
Nicolas Cage
Cage is said to have taunted police officers here, shortly before he was detained.

"Why don't you just arrest me?"
Jennifer Aniston
Aniston joked in a UK magazine that she could solve all of the romance rumors with just one phone call:

"I could call up George, say, 'Hon, let's just get hitched and have kids ...'"
Jarneshia Broussard
Broussard, a 5-year-old Texas kindergartener  heard the sound of gunfire in her school’s cafeteria:

"I knew it was a gun because a gun goes 'pow.’"

Jennifer Lopez
The reality-show judge received a glowing title and explained how she prefers to flaunt low-maintenance beauty:

"Just being able to touch my face and rub my eyes and put my fingers in my hair and not having to worry about messing it up, it’s so much better."

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