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Weird roadside attractions

you'll want a snapshot with these roadside attractions. 

Weird roadside attractions
They're weird, they're the world's largest, and they're off the next exit. How can you pass them up? Whether oddities from a time gone by or just a way get tourist dollars for a tiny town,
Cadillac Ranch
Part public art installation, part crazy idea from a guy with a lot of money, these 10 rusted-out Cadillac shells, covered with graffiti, rise out of the ground. Visitors are encouraged to leave their own mark.
The Corn Palace
 Originally built more than a century ago (when?), the exterior murals made of corn and grain are replaced every year and designed by local artists. It's free to visit the Corn Palace, which is also a venue for concerts and sporting events. Find out which popular singer, known as Mr. Las Vegas, is scheduled to perform there in May.
Oregon Vortex & House of Mystery
Is it a strange and paranormal spot where gravity is inexplicably defied, or simply a cleverly designed tourist trap where your mind plays tricks on you? There's only one way to find out. Step right up to the Oregon Vortex & House of Mystery and pay your admission, folks!
World's Largest Pistachio Nut
It's really tall (find out the height) and ready for a photo opportunity. Located outside McGinn's Pistachio Tree Ranch, the giant nut is dedicated to the owner's father.
Cockroach Hall of Fame Museum
Is there anything cuter than a cockroach dressed up as Liberace (find out who he is)? This kooky roadside stop features roaches in interesting dioramas re-creating scenes from "Psycho" and much more. Check out the live hissing cockroaches while you're at it.

Big Blue Bug
This famous bug made an appearance in a Jim Carrey film (which one?), and got its own name via a contest in 1990. The winner was a 63-year-old woman. Get the details. It's supposed to be a termite (see how they look in real life), and so it was christened with this funny name.
World's Largest Egg
Located in what used to be a major egg-producing town, the egg made its first appearance in 1923. It's still ready for its close-up as a roadside attraction, especially when the town celebrates its Egg Day Festival (when?).
Paul Bunyan & Babe
The large man (his height, weight?), 18-foot-tall Paul Bunyan, and his trusted ox, Babe, are on the National Register of Historic Places. They've been local landmarks since 1937.

World's Largest Ball of Twine
Where Since there's a little bit of a twine ball war, this one is the largest twine ball rolled by multiple people, and visitors can add to it. The largest ball rolled by a single man is in Darwin, Minn. (Get the details.) So, if you love twine, there two spots just for you.
Vent Haven Ventriloquist Museum
The world's only museum dedicated to ventriloquism houses hundreds of figures (how many?). For $5 and a scheduled tour, you can get the willies with all 1,400 of those creepy lifelike eyes looking at you.
World's Largest Catsup Bottle
The water tower at an old ketchup plant, this tall homage (its height?) to the condiment that no french fry (get recipes) should be without has a summer festival every year.
The Shoe Tree
Rumor has it that quarreling lovers threw a pair of shoes up in the tree. They returned years later to toss a pair of baby booties in it. And then people kept adding to it over the years. There are thought to be thousands of shoes in the tree.
World's Largest Rocking Chair
Great for soothing you into the world's longest nap, this giant chair is dozens of feet tall (its actual height?) and is constructed of this heavy-duty material.
Largest Ball of Paint
Thousands of layers of paint (how many?) form this giant ball, which was started by a man and his son. (Find out how much it weighs.) Tourists can even add a layer and get their photo taken.
Hunt Bigfoot With a Redneck
How does one begin to describe this strange attraction? There's a beer-swilling "redneck" in a trailer who leads visitors on an adventure to find Bigfoot, a flying saucer and Elvis. It's part goofball acting and part just plain weird.

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