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Cold sore flare up causes

Cold sore flare up causes, Q-I`ve been getting cold sores ever since I was a child. But it`s only recently that I learned that cold sores are a form of herpes. I can guarantee that I did not get them from sexual relations, but I don`t know much else about the condition. Any information, including how to prevent them, would be appreciated.

A-Cold sores (or fever blisters) are caused by the herpes simplex virus. Once a person is infected with the virus, it remains in the body, usually in a dormant state. Every once in a while, however, the condition flares up; very often this occurs in response to a stressful situation.

Since a cold can stress the body, blisters are likely to occur at such times. This accounts for the common name of cold sores or fever blisters. Other causes of stress that may result in an outbreak are excessive exposure to sunlight, fever and emotional stress.

The form of herpes that is referred to as cold sores (type I) is not the same as the form that is usually associated with sexual relations (type II). However, it is possible for the type I virus to affect the genitals, just as it`s possible for the type II virus to affect the lips. Susceptibility to flareups differs from person to person. There is no cure for either form of the virus.

Efforts at prevention include avoiding too much sun exposure or using a sunscreen if exposure to the sun cannot be avoided, trying to prevent a high fever by increasing the intake of fluids and taking acetaminophen, and using a moisturizing agent on the blisters when they rupture to prevent scabs.

Q-Since a person`s gallbladder can be removed by surgery, and since the person can continue to live, it`s obvious that the gallbladder is not an essential organ. What is its purpose, and what happens after it`s removed?

A-The purpose of the gallbladder is to store bile, which is produced by the liver and which aids digestion in the small intestine. If the gallbladder is removed, the bile goes directly from the liver into the small intestine, where it performs the same function.

Q-I`ve heard people recommend that ice should be applied to a bee sting, and I`d like to know what this would accomplish. Is ice used to relieve the pain?

A-Ice applied to a bee sting minimizes itching and swelling. It also tends to delay the absorption of the venom.

Q-In regard to the controversy about whether to vaccinate a child against whooping cough, suppose a child is not vaccinated and gets whooping cough, can he or she cause other members of the family to get it?

A-Pertussis (whooping cough) is very contagious. It can be transmitted not only from one child to another, but from an adult to a child. Pertussis can be a serious disease with serious complications.

Q-Everyone seems to be talking about the ozone layer, including the politicians, but I don`t know whether they know any more about it than I do. Would you please explain the importance of the ozone layer in regard to its effect on radiation? Are there other factors that also affect the amount of radiation that reaches us on Earth?

A-The ozone layer filters certain wavelengths from the sun, and affects the amount of ultraviolet radiation that passes through the atmosphere. If the ozone layer is reduced, exposure to UV radiation may increase.

UV rays also show seasonal variations. It is obvious that these rays are stronger in the summer than in the winter. The rays of the sun become more intense as altitude increases, because the higher the altitude, the less atmosphere there is to pass through.

Q-What is the significance if someone is told that he shows an improvement in maximum oxygen consumption? The person has been involved in an exercise program.

A-Maximum oxygen consumption is an important measure of cardiopulmonary fitness, so improvement is good news.

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