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Rebecca Black Watches ‘Friday’ Music Video For Black Friday, Regrets It

Rebecca Black Watches ‘Friday’ Music Video For Black Friday, Regrets It, Rebecca Black rose to fame thanks to her almost-too-awful-to-be-real song and music video “Friday,” and on Black Friday the singer decided to revisit her viral hit.

Rebecca made a YouTube video last week, taking the time to sit down and watch her 2011 hit “Friday” herself. It didn’t take her long to think better of her decision.

“This could either be the best decision of my life… or the worst,” Rebecca Black said as the video started. Then when the music video itself began she said, “I’m regretting this already.”

Rebecca seemed to be in a perpetual cringe as she watched, covering her face several times and making fun of the production of the video.

But as the song went on, Rebecca seemed to embraced the awfulness of her music video. She made a number of snippy comments about her appearance (“Kill that hair… I can’t get over that blue eyeshadow”) and ripped on her dance moves as well.

At the end, Black seemed to come to the conclusion that the rest of America did after seeing it.

“That was too much,” she said.

But the video showed that Rebecca Black isn’t going to turn her back on the terrible music video that launched her as an unlikely star.

“As much as even I laugh at it, its not something that I regret doing,” she noted. “I have gotten so many opportunities and unbelievable chances, and made so many new friends I would not have been able to without it.”

Black was able to capitalize off the popularity of “Friday” with a number of follow-ups, including a recent cover of the Miley Cyrus song “We Can’t Stop.”

The Youtube video, posted in July, gives a mellow, acoustic take of the party song.

Fans who want to see a sequel to “Friday” might not be in luck, however. Rebecca Black said she’s done singing about days of the week for the rest of her career.

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