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Ireland Baldwin On Her Looks: ‘I Never Thought Of Myself As A Pretty Girl’

Ireland Baldwin On Her Looks: ‘I Never Thought Of Myself As A Pretty Girl, Ireland Baldwin isn’t one to shy away from giving an opinion on her looks. Although she has quite a few admirers on social media, the aspiring model never really thought of herself as pretty.

The 17-year-old revealed during her interview with Elle magazine that she didn’t think she would succeed as a model. However, she later decided to give it a shot after receiving some words of encouragement from her famous parents. Ireland Baldwin explained that her mom, award-winning actress Kim Basinger, said that modeling might help improve her self-esteem. Prior to stepping in front of the camera for the first time, Baldwin said that she wanted to pursue a career as a comedy writer. Fame isn’t her strong suit.

“She thought it would be good for my confidence because I never thought of myself as a pretty girl,” she explained. At lot of her apprehension may have something to do with the way her parents were stalked by the press in the past. While Ireland Baldwin said her aversion to modeling was based on her looks, it seems the paparazzi may have influenced this decision as well. “I would look at [my parents] and go, ‘Jesus, how miserable is that?’ I didn’t want to be followed,” she said.

Baldwin certainly had no trouble sharing her feelings about the paparazzi in an epic Twitter rant last month. She might have her mother’s good looks, but it would appear that she has her father’s temperament. “I’ve met maybe a few paparazzi that have been friendly. The majority of you are d*** bags. Get a real job you lame doo doo-headed dummies,” she tweeted.

If Baldwin decides to continue pursuing a career in the entertainment industry, then at least she doesn’t seem to be taking herself very seriously. Her approach is admittedly a little bleak, but it shows that she’s definitely keeping things in perspective. “There’s always something new that’s going to come up and happen. In the end — this is going to sound dark — in the end you’re going to die, and all those photos never mattered,” she explained. Do you think Ireland Baldwin is too hard on her looks?

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