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Mosquitoes Like Pregnant Women Carbon Dioxide

Mosquitoes Like Pregnant Women Carbon Dioxide,  Mosquitoes have strong preferences when it comes to whom they will dine upon. According to the most recent studies, 1 out of 10 people are considered “highly attractive” to mosquitoes. Scientists haven’t been able to figure out exactly what makes certain people more delicious than others, but they have been able to determine a few factors that play into the matter.

Mosquitoes Like Pregnant Women Carbon Dioxide

Firstly, a person that exhales more carbon dioxide than others is going to attract more mosquitoes. The pests can detect large quantities of carbon dioxide from up to 50 meters away, which does not bode well for pregnant ladies who typically exhale more CO2 than non-pregnant people.

Uric acid on the skin also attracts mosquitoes, as well as high levels of steroids or cholesterol.

Heat and movement also acts as a target for the insects– so the more people run around outside, the more likely they are to get bit.

Finally, genetics make up 85% of a person’s appeal to mosquitoes. Some people have tastier genes than others.Mosquitoes have been around for 170 million years and while thousands of years of civilization has brought many advancements,  it hasn’t made us much less vulnerable to the wild elements.

At the end of the day mosquitoes are the deadliest creatures on Earth. Well, for humans anyway. They kill 2 to 3 million people a year through the spread of disease– more specifically malaria. Annoying and deadly– the worst combination.

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