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Sarah palin levi johnston

Sarah palin levi johnston
Sarah palin levi johnston, Sarah Palin has no love for the father of her grandson Tripp. At all.

Asked bt TMZ about Levi Johnston, the man who got Bristol Palin pregnant during the 2008 campaign, the phrase "deadbeat dad" escaped her lips in seconds.

Check out the clip below and see Sarah's disdain for yourself As you may remember from last week, Levi has filed legal documents asking for 50-50 custody of Tripp, now four, saying it's in the kid's best interest.

Needless to say, Sarah and Bristol Palin do not concur.

Levi is approximately $66,000 (!) behind in child support, which Bristol claims is the reason for his custody play - to get that amount lowered at all costs.

The Alaskan also has a daughter with wife Sunny Oglesby, who he also got pregnant out of wedlock before making an honest woman out of her in 2012.

Fertile, that Levi. Fertile and virile.

In other Sarah Palin news, the former GOP political star recently compared the federal budget deficit and national debt to slavery. Is anyone at all surprised?

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