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Kirstie alley leah remini

Kirstie alley leah remini
Kirstie alley leah remini, Also, Alley tells Howard Stern, people should get over Michael Richards’ N-word meltdown

Kirstie Alley lashed out at fellow actress Leah Remini during an interview with Howard Stern this week, calling Remini a “bigot” because of her comments about Scientology.

Alley, on hand to promote her new TV Land comedy “Kirstie,” took time out to lambaste Remini, who left the church earlier this year and criticized Scientology after closing the door behind her.

Remini appeared on “Ellen” earlier this year and told host Ellen DeGeneres that she had lost friends after leaving Scientology.

“My mother got involved when we were very young, so it’s all we really ever knew,” Remini said of her experience with the church. “But over time, my eyes opened and I could no longer be affiliated with the organization …  It’s hard and we’ve lost friends.”

During her interview, Alley dismissed Remini’s claim.First of all, I just want to everyone to know I have hundreds of friends and people that I know that have come into Scientology and left Scientology,” the actress said. “It is not true that you cannot [depart the church] …. You’re not shunned, you’re not chased. All that stuff’s bullshit.”

Oddly, while blasting Remini as a bigot, Alley came to the defense of her “Kirstie” co-star Michael Richards, who made headlines in 2006 with a Laugh Factory performance/meltdown during which he made liberal use of the N-word.

“That was so fucking long ago, right?” Alley told Stern, adding that people shouldn’t hold a grudge against Richards because “he apologized and apologized.”Also oddly, Remini recently also joined the TV Land ranks, with a recurring role on “The Exes.”

Should make for interesting times at the network’s Christmas party.

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