Tuesday 24 September 2013

Embryos court battle

Embryos court battle
Embryos court battle
Embryos court battle,  In a case before the Illinois Supreme Court, an Elgin man who had previously agreed to help his girlfriend conceive through in vitro fertilization argues that, after they broke up, he never agreed to give up a say in whether he becomes a parent and that forced procreation would violate his constitutional rights.

His ex-girlfriend, who has been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma, insists that she has the right to have her biological child, and she should control the destiny of the embryos.

As reproductive technology outpaces the law, the case is being watched by physicians and attorneys across the country. The Illinois Supreme Court is expected to weigh in on Szafranski v. Dunston — and the fate of three embryos cryo-preserved at Northwestern — later this month.

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