Sunday 24 November 2013

Miley Cyrus Burgled

Miley Cyrus Burgled, Pop star Miley Cyrus's home in Los Angeles was burgled the day before her 21st birthday, it has been reported.

Police have confirmed the singer's house was broken into on Friday - with property taken, according to Us Magazine.

It is doubtful that the incident has put the fun-loving singer and actress off of celebrating the landmark age, however.

Miley has attracted her fair share of criticism for her antics in recent weeks. Childhood friend Demi Lovato defended her earlier this week, but while offering words of support for her fellow  former Disney Channel star , she has also suggested Miley's twerking antics have left her genuine talent being overshadowed.

Speaking to Katie Couric on her talk show, the  21-year-old beauty  said: "I think she knows what she's doing.

"A lot of artists take that route of shock value and that's totally fine and that's great, but I think that she has such an incredible voice that's  overshadowed by some of the things she's doing ."

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